Career Information

2013-08-10 15:56

With the discharge of Rs, Blizzard is trying to make career and idol information can be displayed in the team. Blizzard also very satisfied for the team fan sites, and released a set of API designer resources to returning up the show of information about Rs Gold, and characters.

I would like to take this possibility Blizzard in the team to returning up the improvement that has been created to do something preview, around one time Blizzard will offer what information do some study.Please remember that this is an beginning preview of its release, the Rs API may be many changes. Also note, Blizzard has not been completed several key components, such as artisan dishes, abilities, and success of the idol and supporters and so on.

Career Information API provides the highest stage of character username and passwords. This API provides a viewpoint of resources as well as the consideration under Account idol craftsmen and activity improvement information. To use the Runescape Gold career web resources, they have produced contains battletag the URL and send your request.